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Emergency Medical Services Appreciation Night Held May 21, 2008

Dr. Blake describes the use of the flex guide endotracheal tube introducer.
Flex Guide Endotracheal Tube Introducer
Ventilating a manikin through a cricothyrotomy.
A Metro Paramedic assists the ventilations of his partner.
Paramedic Demonstrations
Another picture of a Metro paramedic assisting his partners ventilations.
Paramedic Demonstrations 2
Firefighter Dahly ventilates a manikin with a Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA).
Laryngeal Mask Airway
Ryan Wright and the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
A willing participant volunteers to try CPAP.
CPCP Volunteer
Dan Schaefer intubates a manikin with the Storz Fiber Optic Laryngoscope.
Storz Fiber Optic Laryngoscope
Anesthesia kindly shares their Storz Fiber Optic Scope for educational purposes.
Storz Fiber Optic Scope
Using the Storz Scope is a new frontier for EMS airway management.
Storz Scope
Students demonstrate application of pre-hospital CPAP.
Pre-Hospital CPAP
Coaching a “patient” being treated with CPAP.
CPAP Coaching
Dr. Leingang overseeing the use of the King LT airway.
King LT airway
Dr. Blake guides students in use of the flex guide endotracheal tube introducer.
Flex Guide Endotracheal Tube 2
Dr. White and Dr. Smith presenting a difficult airway scenario to students.
Airway Presentation
A group of students in Dr. White’s station listen to the problem being presented.
Dr. Schmit and Jessica Schwab (Anesthesia Student) explain surgical airways.
Surgical Airways
Demonstrating the procedure for a cricothyrotomy.
Students ventilate through the cricothyrotomy needle.
Cricothyrotomy 2
Students learning about surgical airways.
Surgical Airways 2
Ventilating through the Melker (Cook) emergency surgical airway.
Melker (Cook)
Jerry Maddock, CRNA helps a student with his first try at the Storz Scope.
Storz Scope 2
Dr. Leingang describes the King LT airway to a group of students.
King LT Airway 2
Rich Turman (CRNA) demonstrates the use of the Storz Fiber Optic Scope.
Storz Fiber Optic Scope 2
Two students from a rural ambulance service enjoy working with the Storz Scope.
Storz Scope 3
Getting a good mask seal on the CPAP device.
Trust me, I’m here to help.
Helping CPAP
EMS Instructors Dan Ell and Amanda Melby demonstrate the “Combitube”.
Carol O’Shea demonstrates ventilating before placing an LMA.
LMA Demonstration
Paramedic uses a flex guide to effectively manage a difficult airway.
Flex Guide
Dr. Blake explains how to advance the tube over the flex guide.
Flex Guide/Tube
A student practices with the King LT.
King LT 2
Students manage a difficult airway scenario.
Difficult Airway Scenario
Student demonstrate assisting another’s ventilations.
Student Demonstration
Brenda Reems, anesthesia student, explains proper technique to students.
Student Demonstration 2
Chris Klesser, anesthesia student, helps students develop effective technique.
Student Demonstration 3
Students practice ventilating a CPR manikin with a bag-valve-mask.
Student Practice
Students practice using a combitube.
Student Practice 2
Jessica Schwab, anesthesia student, helps a pair of students ventilate each other.
Student Practice 3
Getting a good mask seal with the bag-valve-mask.
Chris Klesser, anesthesia student, demonstrates proper one rescuer technique.
One Rescuer Technique
Students practice one rescuer ventilation technique on a CPR manikin.
Practice One Rescuer Ventilation
Jessica Schwab, anesthesia student, guides students with their ventilations.
EMS Instructors Dan Ell and Amanda Melby describe using the combitube.
Combitube 2
Carol O’Shea, CRNA, describes the LMA.
Dr. Schmit demonstrates a cricothyrotomy.
Cricothyrotomy 3
Dr. Schmit placing the needle for a cricothyrotomy.
Cricothyrotomy 4
Students practicing with the King LT and heckling Dr. Leingang.
King LT 3
Dr. Blake describing what this wonderful little piece of plastic can do.
Dr. Blake/Plastic
Bismarck Fire Department Captain Dan Olson works with the King LT.
King LT 4
Dr. Smith explains the LMA.
Dr. Patel explains use of the laryngoscope in pediatric patients.
Dr. Patel describing intubation technique for a student.
Intubation Technique
Dr. Fernandez explaining differences in pediatric airway management.
Pediatric Aairway Management
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