Great Plains Rehabilitation Services

Great Plains Rehabilitation Services

1212 East Main Avenue – Bismarck, ND 58501
Toll Free: (800) 222-4989 – Main Line: (701 530-4000 – Fax Number: (701) 530-4001

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GPRS Vehicle Lift

Welcome to Great Plains Rehabilitation Services (GPRS)

Practically everyone will need medical products and services, personally or for a loved one, at some point in their lives. When that time comes, Great Plains Rehabilitation Services (GPRS) is ready to help with a complete team of highly qualified, compassionate professionals providing the finest medical products available.

Our Services:


  • Home Medical Equipment (HME and DME)more info
    This specific service offers over 10,000 different items of durable and consumable medical supplies for home and healthcare facility use.

    Download BrochuresHome Medical Equipment

Cleg Stairs

  • Orthotics (braces) & Prosthetics (artificial limbs)more info
    This specific service offer includes a full compliment for in and out patients, orthotic and prosthetic devices, orthopedic technology, mastectomy management. Our goal is to improve the overall quality of life of patients with limitations imposed by the residuals or injury, disease, or lack of development.

    Download BrochuresO & P and Women’s Specialty Services


  • Respiratory Care Servicesmore info
    Providing home respiratory product services and clinical respiratory services to home patients. Our goal is to improve the overall quality of life for patients with limitations imposed by the heart and lungs or sleep disorders.

    Download BrochuresRespiratory Care

Pediatric Chair

  • Seating and Mobility Servicesmore info
    This specific service provides assistive technology to wheelchairs, seating systems and special positioning systems for the moderate to the severely disabled client. Our goal is to improve the overall quality of life for persons with limitations imposed on them through injury, disease, physical deformity or lack of development.
    Download BrochureSeating and Mobility Services and Seating Clinic
Bruno Joey

  • Home and Vehicle Accessibility Productsmore info
    This specific service provides assistive mobility and environmental devices for both public and private facilities and vehicles. Our goal is to improve the overall quality of life of persons with limitations imposed on them through injury, disease or lack of development in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
    Download BrochureHome & Vehicle

Buy Medical Products
To order or inquire on any products, please call a Customer Service Representative anytime between 8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday at 701-530-4000 or 800-222-4989. Or visit our large beautiful showroom at 1212 East Main Ave, Bismarck, ND.

Bath Seat Manual Monitor Stethoscope Tub Rail Neck Massager

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