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Gary Johnson, MD

Gary Johnson, MD

Dr. Gary Johnson is an anesthesiologist affiliated with the PrimeCare Pain Clinic, (within Specialty Clinics) part of the St. Alexius Neuroscience Center of Excellence,in Bismarck. He received his medical degree from the University of Alberta in Canada, and completed his internship training at the Holy Cross Hospital in Canada. He completed his residency at the Muskgrove Park Hospital and at the Health Science Center-University of Manitoba in Canada. Dr. Johnson is certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology.

Location of Practice

PrimeCare Pain Clinic

Specialty Clinics – St. Alexius

900 East Broadway Avenue

Bismarck, North Dakota  58501

Phone: (701) 530-6570

Toll Free:1-800-422-0801

The Specialty Clinics – St. Alexius

900 East Broadway Avenue

Bismarck, North Dakota  58501

Phone: (701) 530-6500

Toll Free:1-800-422-0801

Appointments:(701) 530-5550


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