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Balance and Dizziness Center - Therapy Services HPC

Every year, 30% of the population over the age of 65 will have at least one fall. Falls are the leading cause of injury in older adults, and lead to over 200,000 hip fractures per year. Dizziness and other forms of impaired balance are among the most frequent reasons patients visit their doctor, especially individuals over the age of 75.

Balance impairment increases a person's risk for falls, particularly in the elderly. Fear of falling leads to further restriction of lifestyle, which creates deconditioning and loss of independence. The most common causes for balance problems include age related changes, inner ear disorders, stroke, head injury, infections, diabetes, reaction to medications, and central nervous system disorders such as MS or Parkinson's.

The Balance and Dizziness Center at St. Alexius is a physical therapy based clinic that offers specific evaluation and treatment for individuals with symptoms of dizziness or imbalance. We are the first clinic in North Dakota to offer Computerized Dynamic Posturography, a test that evaluates the ability to maintain balance in a variety of conditions. The test measures the functional use of the three sensory systems for balance, somatosensation (position sense of your legs and feet), vision, and the vestibular (inner ear) system. A computerized force plate measures body sway and stability under various conditions. The test also includes a measurement of reaction time and ability to respond to surface changes.

Physical therapy assessment includes various measures of balance, strength, and gait ability. Patients with dizziness or vertigo will also undergo certain vestibular tests. A customized program is then designed to improve balance and steadiness, increase strength and flexibility, and increase safety with gait. Patients with dizziness may also participate in vestibular rehabilitation therapy (link to vest rehab page), as well as specific balance training, with a goal of reducing or possibly eliminating dizziness. . A cornerstone of treatment is regular completion of a home exercise program. The therapists will work closely with your medical provider to ensure comprehensive care for your condition.

Types of patients who may benefit from this program include individuals with the following diagnoses:
  • inner ear disorders, including Benign Positional Vertigo, vestibular neuronitis, labrynthitis
  • adult neurological impairments including stroke, head injury, MS, Parkinson's
  • general gait and balance disorders
  • orthopedic injuries with resulting balance disorders.
The Balance and Dizziness Center is located within the St. Alexius Human Performance Center. Services are covered by insurance including Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicaid, Auto, ND Workforce Safety and Insurance, and many other commercial insurance providers.

For more information, please contact the St. Alexius Human Performance Center at 701-530-8100 or 1-800-222-7858.

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