Lymphedema is a high protein edema or swelling, usually affecting the arm or leg, caused by reduced lymph transport capacity. It can also be seen in the trunk or face.
Our lymphedema rehabilitation experts Laura Hardmeyer, PT Erica Schuler, PT Rochelle Skarperud Klein, PT
Who may be affected by lymphedema? Lymphedema may affect anyone with a history of the following: Surgery for melanoma, breast, gynecological, head and neck, prostate, testicular, bladder or colon cancer Infection Trauma Radiation
What type of treatment is involved with lymphedema management?Manual lymphatic drainage Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Pump Multilayered bandaging Compression garment fitting Instructions on home management techniques
What are the symptoms of lymphedema? Lymphedema may present with swelling through the involved area. Significant pain may also be associated. If left untreated, the affected area may become firm and much more difficult to treat.
How can I learn more about lymphedema? "Lookout for Lymphedema" is a monthly inservice presented at the Bismarck Cancer Center on the first Thursday of every month. Please call 222-6100 or 1-800-248-5511 for more information and to RSVP if interested in attending.
For more information, please contact the St. Alexius Human Performance Center at 701-530-8100 or 1-800-222-7858.