Respiratory Therapy – St. Alexius Services : Smoking Cessation – Respiratory Therapy

Smoking Cessation – Respiratory Therapy

Smoking Cessation

The Smoking Cessation class offered at St. Alexius Medical Center is a program developed by the American Lung Association. The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking program has been designed for people who want help to quit tobacco use. No single way works for everyone. So, this program incorporates many well-known techniques, tools and tips that have been developed over the past several decades.

The program includes seven sessions in a six week time frame. The program assists the participant with behavior modification, nicotine addiction, as well as maintenance techniques such as weight management, stress relief, and choosing an overall healthy lifestyle.

The following is a brief description of the seven sessions of the program:

  1. Orientation – Making the decision and commitment to the class
  2. Individuals look at their habit and work on motivation to quit, introduce relation techniques
  3. Plan of Action: including nicotine replacement therapy, etc.
  4. Quit Night
  5. 48 hour report, extra support for staying smoke free
  6. Maintenance Techniques
  7. Staying Quit-Making a plan of action to stay smoke free

The program has been a great success. The program is facilitated by two Registered Respiratory Therapist who have been specially trained in the program.

For more information and/or registration call St. Alexius Education Department at 530-7700.

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