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St. Alexius Foundation

When you support the St. Alexius Medical Center Foundation, you decide what your contribution will be used for . . .

By choosing the St. Alexius Medical Center Foundation, you dedicate funding to a variety of programs throughout the medical center. Monies can support the St. Alexius Heritage of Healing Fund, where contributions benefit the area of greatest need within the medical center, or you may direct funding to a specific Center of Excellence, or department.

Each St. Alexius Center of Excellence determines the best use of their donations, with all donations utilized to improve patient care or to help employees maintain a high level of excellence. We believe that your donation truly makes a difference each day in the lives of our patients, families and the staff that care for them.

To make an online donation:
  • Select the program choice below.
  • After reviewing the account information click on "Donate Now" for the online donation form.
  • To select a different program, return to the main contribution page by clicking the "Back to Accounts" button.

Foundation Programs

Behavioral and Mental Health


Children's Health

Critical Care

Emergency and Trauma

Geriatrics (Older Adults)

Great Plains Rehabilitation Services - Medical Products

Heart and Vascular

Medical Imaging & Radiology



Regional Renal Services

Rehabilitation Center

The Clinics of St. Alexius

Surgical Services

Women's Health

Homecare and Hospice

Heritage of Healing

Spiritual Services

Personal and Professional Development

One in the Spirit