One in the Spirit
"One in the Spirit" is St. Alexius Medical Center's approach to responding to the requests for contributions to a variety of charitable causes. It is a new plan to indicate our intention/pledge to donate to St. Alexius Foundation, the Employee Emergency Fund, the Continuing Support Fund for the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, the Patient and Family Emergency Fund (a new opportunity to assist families of patients who are in special need) and United Way.
As one community of a faith-based health care facility, we ask you in the spirit of our founders and sponsors, the Sisters St. Benedict of Annunciation Monastery, to consider contributing to the charity of your choice. The St. Alexius community aspires to receive all as Christ. In that tradition we claim to be "One in the Spirit", one in Christ's Spirit. You are invited to pledge to the charity of your choice. May the Holy Spirit of Christ inspire you in your choosing.
When donating online, be sure to fill in all the necessary information. At the bottom of the form is a "Comments" box, please type in the name of the fund or funds you plan on donating to and their amounts. Your credit card will only be charged one total amount. Since this is an unique account, on the form where items are not applicable but required, simply type in the letters NA, and the Foundation office will adjust the registration in their office.
FUNDS Employee Emergency Fund The St. Alexius employees who experience a catastrophic event, such as a home fire, flood, medical emergency, family crisis, etc. may apply for financial assistance by submitting application to the Employee Emergency Fund, St. Alexius Foundation. The name of the applicant is confidential. The maximum amount of cash issued is $750.00.
Continuing Support Fund The Continuing Support Fund for the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery provides assistance for the Sisters no longer working in a ministry.
St. Alexius Medical Center Foundation The St. Alexius Foundation was established in 1988 as a special department of St. Alexius. The purpose of the Foundation is to receive, recognize and manage donations of cash and other assets which will support the programs and services of St. Alexius. Since St. Alexius is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, donations are tax-deductible.
Patient and Family Emergency Fund The Patient and Family Emergency Fund is a newly established fund. This fund, the result of efforts by the St. Alexus Diversity Committee, will allow for an organized way to assist the poor and vulnerable when they request assistance for an immediate need for food, transportation and other assistance.
Missouri Slope Areawide United Way Campaign At this time online credit cards are not an option. If you want to donate to the United Way, please contact the Foundation directly at (701)530-7389. The United Way has helped care for individuals and their families since 1927, by providing funding to numerous agencies that serve the less fortunate in our community. This year agencies are divided into five broad categories: Addiction and Violence; Basic Needs; Children and Families; Senior Services and Special Needs.
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